
Hi, I’m Paarmita Bhargava (aka Paarmi)

Happy to see you here!

Feel free to explore and know more about me, outside of work

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A bit about me:

Curious, ambivert and active personality. Love to explore new things and eager to learn.

From North India- Rajasthan, been living in Munich for past 4.5 yrs and getting inspired by the city and nature. 🙂

<aside> 👀 Checkout my professional side→ paarmita.design


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Let’s connect 🤙

I’m always up for a chat about whatever you feels interesting or if you’re in Munich, we can meet for a Matcha 🍵

Feel free to drop me a line—I’d love to hear from you!

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[🤙 Call Me →](tel: +4917636526589)

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